Уральский журнал правовых исследований

Выпуск №3

DOI: 10.34076/2658-512X-2020-3-14-27
Год: 2020, Номер: 3, Страницы 14-27
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Mikhail A. Aushev

Информация о статье:

Тип статьи: jurisprudence

Для цитирования:

Аушев М. А. Прокурорский надзор за исполнением законов органами, осуществляющими оперативно-розыскную деятельность // Уральский журнал правовых исследований. 2020. № 3. С. 14-27.


This review article is devoted to the organization of prosecutorial supervision of the implementation of laws by entities engaged in operational-search activities, as well as to the study and analysis of legislative acts regulating the activities of the prosecutor's office in the process of implementing this type of prosecutorial supervision. The relevance of this work is predetermined by the fact that in the process of conducting operational investigative measures, the constitutional rights of a person and citizen may be limited, as well as by the fact that operational investigative activities may be of a conservative nature, by which prosecutorial supervision is the most rational means of establishing and maintaining legality in this activity.

Список цитируемой литературы:

  1. An inadequate retstraint. Litreev’s lawyer to apply his arrest to ECHR / URL: https://www.znak.com/2020-02-28/advokat_litreeva_planiruet_obzhalovat_ego_ arest_v_espch (Accessed May 24, 2020).
  2. A criminal case for authority abuse was initiated against police officers who detained Ivan Golunov / URL: https://meduza.io/news/2020/01/13/v-otnoshenii-politseyskih-zaderzhavshih-ivana-golunova-vozbudili-ugolovnoe-delo-o-prevyshenii-dolzhnostnyh-polnomochiy Accessed May 24, 2020).
  3. N. N. Karpov, Actual Issues of the Prosecutor’s Activity, Prospect, 2018, at 6.
  4. O. A. Vagin, Commentary on the Federal Law “On the Operational-Search Activity”, Norma: INFA-M, 2019, at 341–354.
  5. S. S. Alekseev, Anthology in Ten Volumes. Volume 9. Publicism, Statut, 2010, at 504.
  6. O. D. Zhuk, O. S. Capinus (ed.), Prosecutorial Supervision Of The Implementation Of Laws In The Operational Development And Operational Search Activities: a Lecture Course, Prospect, 2018, at 171. 
  7. T. V. Astishina, The Use of the Results of Operational Investigative Activities in the Criminal Procedure: A Training Manual, Domodedovo: VIPK Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2016, at 92.

Ключевые слова:

prosecutor’s supervision, operational-search activities, the powers of the prosecutor’s office, operational-search measures

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