Ural Journal of Legal Research

Examples of footnotes

Examples of footnotes


  1. Decision of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of 07 June 2000 №10-P // Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation Herald 2000. № 5.
  2. Decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of 09 November 2015 № 305-КГ15-7123 in the case number А40-42997/2014.
  3. Destrehem vs. France, Case No.56651/00 (18 May 2004), Decision of the European Court of Human Rights // Bulletin of the decisions of the European Court of Human Rights. 2004. №10.


Examples of bibliography

  1. Mitiukov M.A. Some problems of regional constitutional justice // Herald of the Charter Court of Sverdlovsk Region. 2003. № 1(6). P. 20-27.
  2. «Business Russia» held a XIII congress // The site of the All-Russian public organization "Business Russia". URL: www.deloros.ru/delovaya-rossiya-provela-xiii-sezd.html/ (application date: 28.09.2018)
  3. Civil law: textbook in 3 v.: 4th edition. / Executive editor A.P. Sergeev, IU.K. Tolstoy. – M.: TK Velbi, publishing house «Prospekt», 2005. – V. 2. – 843 p.
  4. Shershenevich G.F. Russian civil law textbook. 11th edition. – M.: Bashmakovy brothers, 1914. – 497 p. URL: www.znanium.com/catalog/product/353141 (application date: 28.09.2018).
  5. Ansari D. The EC Essential Facilities Doctrine, the Microsoft Case and the Treatment of Trade Secrets // Masters Thesis LL.M. Linköping, 2009. – 60 p.


Examples of references to bibliography in the text

Source in bibliography

Reference in the text of the article

1. If the author refers to a certain page range:

1. Maleina M.N. Personal non-property rights of person: the concept, implementation, protection. – M.: MZ “Progress”, 2000 – 244 p.

<…> and personified among other professionals in this area» [1, p. 136-137].

2. If the author refers to an electronic database:

2. Shahov M.O. Does Russia need to call itself

Constitution "secular state"? // Slavic legal center. URL: www.sclj.ru/analytics/comment/detail.id=42116 (application date: 20.09.2018).

<…> in three departments of the country, priestly ministers are paid cash benefit [2].

3. If the author refers to a particular page in the text:

3. Fedotova IU.E. Freedom of conscience and

religion as an object of criminal law protection: thesis … assistant professor – Ekaterinburg, 2018. – 229 p.

<…> to express their beliefs, forcing them to change, etc. [3, p. 96]