Ural Journal of Legal Research

Issue №4

DOI: 10.34076/2658-512X-2020-4-38-54
Year: 2020, Issue: 4, pages 38–54
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Igor V. Voytov


Issue type: jurisprudence

For quoting:

Igor V. Voytov, Problems of information law // Ural Journal of Legal Research, 2020, N 4, at 38-54


The article analyzes the problems of the information law industry and the main difficulties in creating the Information Code in the Russian Federation. This paper talks about the important role of information technology and the development of the Internet in the life of society and the state. The author notes that public relations are changing much faster in the development of information technology than lawmakers respond to these changes. The article discusses possible solutions to problems in this area, including the adoption of the Information Code of the Russian Federation. 


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digitalization, Information Code, digital rights, information legal relations,information (digital) technologies.

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