Уральский журнал правовых исследований

Выпуск №2

УДК: 347.9
DOI: 10.34076/2658_512X_2021_2_22
Год: 2021, Номер: 2, Страницы 22–30
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L’astreinte & Astreinte: comparative legal aspect


Varchuk A. Alexander, Pashkova A. Daria

Информация о статье:

Тип статьи: юриспруденция

Для цитирования:

A. A. Varchuk, D. A. Pashkova, L’astreinte & Astreinte: comparative legal aspect, Ural Journal of Legal Research, 2021, No. 2. pp. 22–30. DOI 10.34076/2658_512X_2021_2_22.


Astreinte became widespread in the nineteenth century in many countries of continental Europe. However, the spread of astrent, along with a relatively short period of time of its existence, creates differences in doctrinal ideas about this phenomenon. Moreover, even legislation of similar legal systems may define it differently. However, the most common position defines the institution as a fine for non-execution of a court decision.

The article presents a comparative legal study of the Astreinte institute in the Russian and French law, as well as analyzes the prerequisites for its reception from Roman law. Meanwhile, in the doctrine, there is uncertainty within the framework of the astreinte’s characteristics in terms of industry affiliation: it is an institution of substantive or procedural law. The authors substantiate the position of attributing astreinte to the procedural law.

The study is relevant because of number of gaps in Russian legislation that have not been fully resolved over the past years, as well as lack of doctrine. In particular, it is possible to note contradictions in the field of the concept of astreinte (judicial penalty), as well as the uncertainty relatively the question of the types of astreinte that can be applied by the courts.

The authors have developed changes that should be made in the Civil Procedural Code of the Russian Federation to eliminate conflicts in the application of the institute. More detailed study and formation of Astreinte institute in Russia require a long period of time, as well as uniform judicial practice.

Список цитируемой литературы:

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2. Novitsky I. B., Peretersky I. S. Roman private law-M.: Knorus, 2016. – 464 p.

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4. François Chabas. L’astreinte en droit français // Doutrinas Essenciais Obrigações e Contratos, 2011. – Vol. 2. – 1159 p.

5. Arthur Braun. A. Chopplet, Adhémar Esmein et le droit constitutionnel de la liberté // Civitas Europa, 2016. – № 37. – 407 p.

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7. Kruchinin R.N. Astrent: Experience of foreign law and order, prospects and problems of the Institute in Russia // Website of the journal “Synergy of Sciences”. URL: http://synergy-journal. ru/archive/article2694 (accessed: 22.01.2021).

8. Ferrari F., Bocharova N. The astreinte in the Italian and Russian Administrative (Judicial) and Civil Proceedings // Russian Law Journal. 2015. –№ 3. – pp. 9-45.

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Ключевые слова:

Astreinte, court penalty, money penalty for nonfulfillment of court decision, provisional measure, fulfillment of the obligation in kind

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