Уральский журнал правовых исследований

Выпуск №3

DOI: 10.34076/2658_512X_2021_3_27
Год: 2021, Номер: 3, Страницы 29-34
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Non-state pension funds functioning issues in the informal society


Kirill S. Vorobev

Информация о статье:

Тип статьи: Юриспруденция

Для цитирования:

K. S. Vorobev ‘Non-state pension funds functioning issues in the informal society’, Ural Journal of Legal Research, 2021, No. 3. pp. 29–34. DOI 10.34076/2658_512X_2021_3_29.


: This scientific work examines and analyzes the prerequisites for the formation of non-state pension funds in the Russian Federation, their functioning in the conditions of the information society, as well as their possible impact on unprotected categories of the population. In this paper, the author assumes that the process of forming a positive attitude to Non-state Pension Funds is a time-consuming and financially costly process, but it is not impossible. The formation of a positive attitude based on the author’s point of view should occur not only through tightening the requirements for the organization and functioning of Non-state Pension Funds, but also through increasing legal and financial literacy among the population. At the same time, the development of the information society has given an advantage for building a communication policy with customers. But for unscrupulous NPFs, functioning in the information society is possible only through the creation of a false (distorted) image of themselves in the surrounding reality. Citizens need to separate conscientious and unscrupulous Non-state Pension Funds. But misleading citizens about the quality of financial services provided by NPFs is not the only problem. Unscrupulous Non-State Pension Funds can use citizens’ funds not for mandatory pension insurance or non-state provision of citizens, but for personal enrichment of the heads of a particular Non-State Pension Fund. Currently, the illegal withdrawal of financial assets of NPF depositors is an urgent problem that needs state regulation. It is necessary to ensure such a socially oriented financial space, so that the contribution of Non-State Pension Funds would be as safe and profitable for customers as in commercial banks (which are protected by the Deposit Insurance Agency.

Список цитируемой литературы:

1. Андросова Л. Д. Негосударственные пенсионные фонды в современной финансовой системе России // Инновационная наука. 2017. №3-1.

2. Полякова Т. А., Минбалеев А. В. Обзор круглого стола «Глобальное информационное общество в условиях цифровизации и новых вызовов: правовые проблемы и исследования» // Труды Института государства и права РАН / Proceedings of the Institute of State and Law of the RAS. 2020. Т. 15. № 2. С.199–210. DOI: 10.35427/2073-4522-2020-15-2-polyakovaminbaleev.

3. Доходность НПФ за 2020 год//Центральный банк России [Электронный ресурс] cbr.ru (дата обращения 22.05.2021г.).

4. Раскрыта схема вывода пенсионных накоплений россиян за границу // Статья от 01.05.2019 г. [Электронный ресурс] «URA.ru». И. Шестак. (дата обращения: 12.03.2020)


Ключевые слова:

Non-state pension funds, vulnerable categories of citizens, information society

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