Уральский журнал правовых исследований

Выпуск №4

DOI: 10.34076/2658_512X_2021_4_68
Год: 2021, Номер: 4, Страницы 68-76
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Legal Protection of Specially Protected Natural Territories in the Russian Federation and Europe: Comparative Legal Analysis


Diana A. Turkina

Информация о статье:

Тип статьи: Юриспруденция

Для цитирования:

Diana A. Turkina ‘Legal protection of specially protected natural territories in the Russian Federation and Europe: comparative legal analysis’, Ural Journal of Legal Research, 2021, No. 4. pp. 68-76. DOI 10.34076/2658_512X_2021_4_68


The article considers the importance of specially protected natural areas for the world community. The author analyzes the legal foundations of environmental protection activities, as well as the mechanisms for the protection of specially protected natural territories by the countries of the European Union and the Russian Federation, identifies some gaps and finds some ways to eliminate them. Particular attention is paid to one of the features of the environmental policy of the European Union - the interstate ecological network of specially protected natural areas Natura 2000, which at the moment is the most extensive system of protected natural areas in the world. One of the areas of work of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation is considered - the national project «Ecology», the key objectives of which are effective management of production and consumption waste, reduction of atmospheric air pollution, improvement of drinking water quality for the population, preservation of biological diversity, including through the creation of new specially protected natural territories, ecological improvement of reservoirs and preservation of unique water systems. The author describes the problems of implementing this project in the regions and the ways proposed by public authorities to solve them. The author also compares not only the categories of specially protected natural territories of the Russian Federation with the classification of protected natural territories of the IUCN, but also the areas of all terrestrial and marine protected areas according to the criteria of the IUCN. The provisions of the national legislation on the issue of the creation of specially protected natural territories were investigated, and, as a result, discrepancies in the legal regulation of this issue were revealed.

Список цитируемой литературы:

1. S.A. Bogolyubov, Environmental Law: The Textbook. (2nd Ed.), Yurayt Publishing House, 2011, p 471.

2. M.S. Stishov, N. Dudley, Protected Natural Territories of The Russian Federation and Their Categories, World Wildlife Fund (WWF), Moscow, 2018.

3. Novikov Yu. V. Ecology, environment and man. - 3rd ed. - Moscow: Fair Press, 2005. - 736 p.

4. D. V. Pokrishchuk, Specially Protected Natural Territories in Europe (2017) Modern Science 1, https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/osobo-ohranyaemye-prirodnye-territorii-v-evrope (accessed November 2, 2021).

5. Niyazgulov D. T. The legal regime of specially protected natural territories (comparative analysis of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Great Britain): dis. ... Doctor of Phil. sciences: 12.00.00. - Astana, 2009. - 136 p.

6. I.N. Rozumovich, L. Ramazanova, Legal Problems In Assigning The Status of a Specially Protected Natural Territory (2017) Scientific Bulletin of the Crimea 2 (7), https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/ pravovye-problemy-v-prisvoenii-statusa-osoboohranyaemoy-prirodnoy-territorii (accessed November 11, 2021).

7. P. West, J. Igoe, D. Brockington, Parks and Peoples: The Social Impact of Protected Areas (2006) Annual Review of Anthropology 35, pp. 251-277.

8. Lysochenko A. A. Strategic planning in the field of nature management and ecology at the regional level // Eurasian Scientific Association. - 2019. - №7-3 (53). - Pp. 170-173.

9. A.Yu Roditeleva, E.A. Grin, Low Ecological Legal Awareness As the Main Cause of The Crisis State of The Environment In The Russian Federation (2015) Science Time 12 (24), https://cyberleninka. ru/article/n/nizkoe-ekologicheskoepravosoznanie-kak-osnovnaya-prichinakrizisnogo-sostoyaniya-okruzhayuschey-sredyv-rosiiyskoy-federatsii (accessed November 11, 2021).

Ключевые слова:

specially protected natural territories, European Union, Russian Federation, IUCN, natural environment, categories

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