Уральский журнал правовых исследований

Выпуск №6

УДК: 347.45/.47
DOI: 10.34076/2658-512X-2020-6-3-8
Год: 2020, Номер: 6, Страницы 3-8
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Escrow Account in the Joint Construction


Elena A. Berezina

Информация о статье:

Тип статьи: jurisprudence

Для цитирования:

E. A. Berezina, ‘Escrow Account in the Joint Construction’, Ural Journal of Legal Research, 2020, No 6. pp 3-8. DOI 10.34076/2658-512X-2020-6-3-8.


The article reviews the main legislative changes that were introduced as a result of the transition to project financing of the apartment building construction. Within this work, different viewpoints regarding the use of escrow accounts in participatory construction are studied. The author proposes certain legislative changes that are aimed at improvement of the escrow accounts use.

Список цитируемой литературы:

1. Sergey Astafyev, The Single Operator for Solving of Defrauded Shareholders Problems Is Being Established in Nizhny Novgorod Region, https://nn.dk.ru/news/edinyy-operator-po-resheniyu-problem-obmanutyh-dolschikov-sozdaetsya-v-nizhegorodskoy-oblasti-237111470 (assessed October 18, 2020).

2. The Official Website of The President of Russian Federation, The List of Presidential Instructions Upon Verification of Implement of the Head’s of State Decisions Regarding Protection of Rights of Citizens-Participants in Shared-Equity Construction, http://www.kremlin.ru/acts/ assignments/orders/52653 (assessed October 18, 2020).

3. Batin V. V., Еscrow Agreement and Escrow Account Agreement: Correlation of Obligations and Prospects of Existence (2014) Legal Science 2, at 67–69.

4. The ‘RCB’ Information Agency Website, Project Financing of the Dwelling Construction: Pros and Cons of the Reform, https://realty.rbc.ru/news/5c63d9ac9a79473a78550fd9 (assessed October 18, 2020).

5. Ignatova N. B., Pros and Cons of the Escrow Account in the Participatory Shared Construction (2019) Ural Journal of Legal Research 5(6), at 612-620.

6. The ‘RCB’ Information Agency Website, On the Nizhny Novgorod Region’s Escrow Account 7 Billion Rubles Are Stored, https://nn.rbc.ru/nn/freenews/5eac2d149a7947610b3dc118 (assessed October 18, 2020).

7. Magomedov M. S., Impact of the Introduction of Escrow Account in Construction Activities (2019) Science Without Borders 10 (38), at 5–12.

8. Gachina A. A., Buribaev T. N., Relevant Problems of Using the Escrow Account in the Context of the Participatory Share Construction Agreement (2019) Eurasian Scientific Association 7 (53), at 213–217.

9. Nizhny Novgorod Residents ask the Governor to stop the ‘House-on-Promenade’ Construction, Zercalo.org, https://www.zercalo.org/news/22410-nizhegorodtsy-prosyat-gubernatora-ostanovit-strojku-doma-na-naberezhnoj (assessed October 18, 2020).

Ключевые слова:

object of the construction in progress, road map, escrow account, depositing funds, participant in shared-equity construction

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