Уральский журнал правовых исследований

Выпуск №2

УДК: 347.731
DOI: 10.34076/2658_512X_2021_2_68
Год: 2021, Номер: 2, Страницы 68–76
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Business Support Measures in the Covid-19 Pandemic in Arkhangelsk Region


Vladimir V. Synkov

Информация о статье:

Тип статьи: юриспруденция

Для цитирования:

V. V. Synkov, Business Support Measures in the Covid-19 Pandemic in Arkhangelsk Region, Ural Journal of Legal Research, 2021, No. 2. pp. 68–76. DOI 10.34076/2658_512X_2021_2_68.


The article discusses the question of what support measures are provided to businesses in the Arkhangelsk region in connection with the spread of coronavirus infection. An attempt was also made to theoretically comprehend some of the controversial issues raised by the coronavirus pandemic.

Список цитируемой литературы:

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Ключевые слова:

pandemic, coronavirus infection, business, entrepreneurship, support, government, crisis

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